ONE THING on OKRs Backwards

"The biggest issue with OKRs is sometimes they are created backwards. Teams start with 'What's on our backlog? OK, perfect. Let's put that on our OKRs.'" That's my friend Shobhit Chugh, Google Product Manager.

Objectives and Key Results are a simple system for aligning teams around common objectives. OKRs are hot right now, but there are caveats, as Shobhit mentions. I go into how product teams can best use OKRs in an article on ProductCuture. Agree? Disagree? Tell me a story. 

I spoke about how product culture eats execution culture to a crowd of 600 product people at Productized in Lisbon last month. You can watch my talk and a dozen others from thought leaders around the world for a small fee, thanks to the conference organizers.